Novel Ponder 5

Hello people, today im going to answer a question

The famous people i would like to meet is Lisi4300, becuase he is my favourite rapper and his music is good

I would ask him “If your rapping carrer going well?” becuase he has been making lots of songs.

And ask him ” Could i be in your next song?” cause like hes my favourite rapper and hes cool.

Which famous person you would most likely to meet in the past and why?

What are the questions you would ask the?

Well blog ya later

2 thoughts on “Novel Ponder 5

  1. Kia ora Riley. Nevaeh here from room 22.
    I really like how added why you would want to meet Lisi4300, instead of just saying who you would want to meet. I also really like your questions, their very interesting.
    I also think you need to proof read before you publish, b but thats okay because we all do that sometimes. I would want to meet Tupac, because he is such a great rapper and its really sad that he died. Two questions I would ask him would probably be…
    “How long do you think your going to live?” and “Are you going to make mor eamazing songs?”
    How much do you like Lisi4300?
    Blog ya later!

  2. Kia Ora Riley, Emily here from the Hive .
    If I could go back in time and meet a celebrity I would meet Princess Diana because she just seems like a nice person. I would ask her if she really loved King Charles the third and what she thought about the old Royal family rules.
    Blog Ya Later

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