Novel Ponder 9

Kia ora people, here with another blog post, today im going to answer a novel ponder,

Todays question is : If you could choose an animal to be what would it be and why

I would choose to be a lion, and here is my reasons

Reason one: I can have lots of braveness, I can hunt during storms, I can have strong strength, i can have good sense, and i play for a club that has lions as it, Once a lion Always a lion

What would you animal be if you were one?

Well thats me, Ma te wa

One thought on “Novel Ponder 9

  1. Malo e lelei Riley I really like what you said about what animal would you be and why I really like how you said that you will have lots of braveness and that you can hunt during storms and you will have strong strength and all that stuff you wrote about being a lion. but the question that you asked it didn’t make sence to me because it said. what would you animal be if you were one? but I think you were suppose to say what animal would you be if you were one? but its ok thats it blog you later.


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